
Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC

About Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC


We treat our clients like family.


Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC is a Memphis law firm concentrating on a select few areas of law. Our attorneys have years of experience and can confidently guide you and your legal project to a successful outcome. Our law firm is located inside of Minglewood Plaza (the music hall) on Madison Avenue, in the heart of midtown Memphis. We pride ourselves on being accessible and approachable to all of our clients regardless of whether they’re a corporate client or just have a traffic ticket.

What We Value

Most attorneys talk about affordability without any real insight into what that actually means. To most, the term affordable means cheap. As in cheap prices, cheap suits and less service. Memphis is plagued with cheap attorneys who aren't worth their weight in salt. When we say affordable we don’t mean cheap. To us, affordability is about bang for your buck. You want maximum results without being price gouged. We understand that, and that’s what we mean by affordability. Are we cheaper than other attorneys? Certainly not. Are we more expensive than other attorneys? Certainly not. Is there more value in hiring another attorney over us? Absolutely not. Our law firm cares about our clients and their success, and we truly want to make you a client for life. That’s why we make ourselves affordable, accessible and eager to serve you. Make no mistake, when you hire the attorneys at Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC you’re hiring us to achieve a successful outcome in your case, not take your money and sell you out down the road.

Professionalism is a term that gets thrown around a lot in the legal community. Unfortunately, our attorneys frequently encounter a lack thereof when dealing with other parties. To us, professionalism means treating others with respect. Respect means being honest and forthcoming, knowing and continuing to learn the law, and considering all points of view. A professional returns credible phone calls and emails. A professional says, “I don’t know,” when they really don’t know the answer. Essentially, a professional shoots is straight. Professionalism must extend to everyone, not just other attorneys, clients, or support staff. Professionalism with clients consists of educating them on the issues related to their case. From the first moment we meet our clients, we try to put ourselves in their shoes and feel what they feel. In a criminal case, it's the fear of losing one’s freedom and rights. In a civil case, it’s the fear of losing the financial ability to carry on. A professional is not only going to understand the case, a professional is going to understand you. Professionalism can also mean giving you bad news in the most dignified way possible. In real life, there are times when an attorney must put their personal feelings aside and carry on with dignity for the sake of their client. It may sound cold or calculating, but it’s an attorney’s ability to switch off emotion that gives them the ability to think clearly, logically, and intelligently. Remember, we’ll always shoot you straight.

Service is something we take true pride in at Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC. For an attorney to provide great service they must be capable and enthusiastic about their job. Our attorneys are all highly educated, have achieved a mature practice level, and truly enjoy our work. For us, service really means dependability. Are these attorneys dependable enough to take on my case? We believe we are. If we don’t think we can handle your case, we’ll tell you. Being a dependable attorney is more than just returning phone calls and pampering clients. It’s about the inevitability of the result. I often tell clients that if they want the result they actually seek it’s going to take time. We’re not stalling to get more money out of you or dragging our feet. In many cases time truly is your friend. The difference with us is that we know what the eventual outcome will be. Now, the question you should be asking is whether your attorney is dependable enough to be there when it truly counts. Not at the report date a few weeks after you were arrested, but at the trial a fews years later. We’ll be there because we provide great service and we’re dependable.

So, to sum up our law practice, the attorneys at Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC are affordable and professional and we provide great service. Now let’s talk about another problem many of our clients are faced with. A few years ago we considered an extensive renovation of our then office location on South Main Street. We didn’t own the building and the landlord was not amenable to our suggestions so we moved to our current location at Minglewood Plaza. Many of our clients have complemented our new office and we are proud of it too. During the planning process of the renovation we were confronted with a problem by the building company we were working with. The build-out was expensive because of the materials we chose and the quality of the company we were working with, and the construction couldn’t be completed in as quick a manner as we would’ve hoped because, after all, they're a business and good businesses usually have more than one client.


As the build-out supervisor so eloquently put it when we asked if the construction could be done sooner: “Mr. Attorney, think of construction like a triangle. On each corner you have good, fast, and cheap. You only get to pick two.” The proposed problem isn't limited to construction. It's a life problem. You want something done fast, right? Well, which other choice is more important? Good or cheap? If you want something done fast and right it isn’t going to be cheap. As attorneys, we often have to remind ourselves and our clients that certain tasks, while they can be accomplished, require extra special attention. This attention costs exponentially more money. For example, I had a client that wanted a pretty extensive document review done. “No problem,” I said, “when do you want it by?” He said, “tomorrow.” Obviously the price for me to work on something all night when I could be home with my family was very high. So please ask yourself this question when you seek services from not only an attorney but anyone: you can have good, fast, and cheap, but you can only pick two. Which two do you want?

 2023 BBJW LAW © All Rights Reserved


Balestrini, Barnes, Jaber & Wood, PLLC


Minglewood Plaza

1555 Madison Ave, Ste 202

Memphis, TN 38104


(901) 578-1515 P

(901) 578-2929 F

